Thursday, August 29, 2013

Library is my comfort place

Hahaha is true library is my comfort place now. I have been going to library everyday whenever I can to go library. When my friends ask me what I am doing in any other day, I just answered I am at the library studying. Like right now, I am blogging in the library and at my favourite area everytime. The area that has long, spacious and wall plugs!!! I love it when I saw them because I have my laptop everytime I go uni. I also can't believe myself that I goes to library everyday and is part of my lifestyle. But at night is different, I will go different building to study because library close early and the building I go is 24 hours!!! Yes 24 hours!!! How cool is that! Well that building is call abacus lab where only has computers, printer, scanner and few big tables. At the beginning of semester, not so much of students go abacus lab except during the day, so I love going there when there is no one besides you. I love there is no people around me, so quiet and peace. =) Means I can do anything I want at the place I am doing my studies. =P 

Okay, I have one good reason to go library to study is not cold like at home. Is sad that my room is super cold that you have to on the heater and is not a present feeling to on the whole time. I couldn't concentrate when my hand is so cold and when heater is on, I have to put my hand in front of the heater and my hand cannot move away from it. So annoying right? It also expensive to on the heater. =(  I can't wait for the summer to come because that time, I can predict that a lot of students will take over my favourite area and I can't be there at anytime I want anymore. One good thing is my clinical placement is coming soon, I wont be going library everyday anymore! So sad when I am thinking about it. I love library! 

Hahaha, yeah sorry I just share about me being in the library. Is just that my mind just think of going to library and how I am so enjoying it. =) Alright, back to study now. I have so much to learn before I go my clinical placement. Thanks for reading it and wish everyone enjoy your day as much as I do. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Changes in me that desire to do

Recently I have the desire to change. My meaning of change can be anything such as being active in something, meeting new people with willingly, motivates myself to study, learn from people and many more. I can tell you throughout the blog. But I might just explain why I have the desire to change. 

Now, I understood a verse that I always wondering what are my desire in my heart. This is the verse in Psalms 37:4 "Seek your happiness in the LORD, and he will give you your heart's desire." Yeah, I always have this in my mind when I came across this verse most of the time I read my bible. I also do not understand what does it mean at first, so now I understood and I am so happy to share it on my blog. 

It is true that I have to seek my happiness in the LORD, because all these time I have been depending on a friend of mine. This friend has been my best friend while I am in Perth, I always feel so happy to be around with my best friend. But one thing I know that my best friend cannot be around me to makes me happy. Many times my best friend disappoints me, it hurts me so much. I realised that I depend on my best friend so much that I feel so weak and wanted to stay in my comfort zone. That's really kills me inside that I am not happy with it. Actually, my best friend knew about it that my best friend asked me to seek the Lord not me but I do not want to accept that. The main reason of not seeking the Lord because I want human to make me happy not nothing. I can't feel God is with me like hug me when I feel down, have a few conversations, teaching me while I unable to study and many things that human do. Yeah, I can say that many things going on in my life during the year that I haven't touch my blog. 

Then I felt so tired of seeking my happiness from my best friend. Time to move on to my next level of my life. I was like awake from a bad dreams and so relief that I can choose not to go through that again.  I won't say that is a bad dream just unhappy moments. I also have happy moments because is happy when you have best friend with you to count on. After that I seek the Lord when I am struggling to get out of my unhappiness, I am actually getting better everyday even though is not easy. I feel even happier than before, God has been helping me to open my eyes, my heart, ears and soul to accepts things and be happy about it. Slowly, I know what is my desire in my heart which is to change to be the person that God wants me to be. 

Honestly, I have so much to talk about it and I do not want it to be long on this post. So, I will post another blog when I am free again. This is just the introduction. =) Thanks for reading such a long blog. I really hope everyone will enjoy it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Testimony

Sorry for the delayed but I didnt forget about posting my testimony. =)

Here it goes....

I let you know that my life doesn't have any suffering because my parents love me and my siblings so much that they never wanted us to suffer. The reasons of making us safe because they had been through difficulties in their life and they also never give up for taking care of us. I am so blessed by God that he gave me such a loving and wonderful family to me. I know every family is not perfect but I satisfied for what I have in my life because God already gave me what I need. 

How I noticed there is God? I have many friends who dont have the same life as mine, so I wonder why I have this kind of life? I also wonder if I have the opposite life, honesty I really cant live in it. I was like WOW there is someone knew that I have to be in this kind of life. Of course God can do that! Besides that, things happened at home God has been helping my family so I believe God is real and I am thankful of what God has done with me!

For I know God is real, I took my step to received him as my savior when I was 16 years old. After I had received Jesus as my savior, I was out of touch from him because I thought that I became a Christian, everything will be easy for me and I never knew that I have to read bible, pray and worshiping him to get closer to Jesus. I also don’t know about baptism until I went to baptism workshop. Before that, I just knew that baptism just get out from the water and when you get through that is no way out mean I cannot escape from being a Christian. 

However, baptism is not that bad as I thought would be. It is just a higher level to get closer to God even more than before. It also a commitment to him that I really surrender my life to him and being obedience to his word.  To be honest, I have trouble of getting myself baptize because I am not a worthy of him for I have sin against him so much that I might hurt him even more if I do. But then I realized that’s not important anymore for I have forgiven by him who sacrifices his only son to show his love for me and he just want to have a relationship with me. That’s all matter. 

You know what, when I came to Perth to study, I feel so blessed because this is the place I know God so much more and know how to get closer him. I also want to thank God that he given me so much friends that I ever have. From that on, I didnt feel unhappy like I used to be even though I feel abit lonely sometimes but not long. As long I'm thinking of him, I know I am not alone because I realised that God doesn't left me all of my life and I trust him. Perth also help me to learn about myself so much that I didnt think of. Thank you Lord for bringing me here.  

Therefore, I want to follow God all my life to see the changes in my life. I want to be patient with it because I know is not easy. I also learn to obedient to him then I can grow deeply with him and receive blessing from him.