Thursday, August 5, 2010

About Perth

I always been dreaming about going to Perth will be the cool thing that I go.... Going to Australia will be the safer place I can go and thinking about good thing about Aus... Don't have to worry about safety... It feel free to do so much that I always wanted to do when there is a chance.. In the end i got it... Examples go for walk around the neighbourhood, cycling around without worry the cars, living in the western country and do something different...

However, the longer I have stayed, I got to know things... Like here is not 100% safe, there are still got some foreigner ( black people ) disturb students during the night.. Examples, break in the house, want money while they got drunk and hanging around... Lucky I'm not staying over the neighbourhood, it is near my campus. Still I'm not worry so much, because their security is good.. They will patrol aound the neighbourbood and the campus too..

There is best thing about Australia I love about, the government is so care about the elderly people.. You know why the tax is expensive over here? the government took the money, used for the elderly people to live well... Other than that, the government take to make better service to the communities... isnt it great?? Is feels so great, they treat the elderly people by giving them travel and plenty more...

In my future, I want to do well in my nursing and open a old folks house, that is my plan work to look after the elderly people... In statistic, elderly people is more and more, because of the birth rate getting lower... People also getting busier and less time to look after the elderly people... That's where I come to help... So hope my dreams will come through!!!

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